
How to Get Abs: Key Exercises

Do you dream of having well-defined abs and a flat stomach? Achieving this goal requires a mix of specific techniques, targeted exercises and discipline.
 Les abdominaux d'un homme torse nu avec un bas gris, avec un mètre ruban autour

Do you dream of having well-defined abs and a flat stomach? Achieving this goal requires a mix of specific techniques, targeted exercises and discipline.

How to get abs?

All the major moves to sculpt your core, including deep muscles like the transverse abdominis. Understanding the Core The core is made up of several muscle groups that play a key role in the stability and balance of the body. Major muscles include:

  • The rectus abdominis : Often called the “six-pack,” this is the muscle visible at the front of the abdomen.
  • The obliques : Located on the sides, they allow rotations of the trunk.
  • The transverse : Located deep down, it ensures the maintenance of the organs and contributes to a flat stomach.

To achieve optimal results, working all of these muscles is crucial.

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Exercises to strengthen the rectus abdominis

Classic Crunch

A fundamental exercise for the abs, the classic crunch primarily targets the rectus abdominis.

Starting position :

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your hands behind your head without pulling on your neck.

Movement :

  • Gently lift your head, shoulders and upper back off the floor by contracting your abs.
  • Slowly lower yourself back down, controlling the movement.

Reverse Crunch

Slightly different, the reverse crunch works more of the lower part of the rectus abdominis.

  • Starting position : Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and your legs raised to 90 degrees.
  • Movement : Roll your pelvis towards your chest by contracting your abs, then slowly lower your legs without touching the ground.

The V-ups

V-ups are a dynamic exercise where you have to form a V with your body by simultaneously raising your legs and torso. It promotes maximum engagement of the upper and lower abs .

The dragon flag

The dragon flag is a very advanced move that already requires a lot of core strength. Popularized by Bruce Lee, this exercise also develops overall upper body strength.

Oblique Exercises

abs of a shirtless man with black pants

Oblique crunch

The oblique crunch targets the external and internal oblique muscles.

Starting position :

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat.
  • Place your hands behind your head.

Movement :

  • Rotate your torso to the right while lifting your left side toward your right knee.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Russian twist

Great for engaging the obliques, this exercise also promotes core stability.

  • Starting position : Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Tilt your torso back slightly.
  • Movement : Hold a weight or ball in your hands and rotate your torso to the right, then to the left, engaging your obliques.

Strengthening the transverse muscle

Ventral sheathing (Plank)

Core strengthening is a surefire technique for strengthening your core. Unlike dynamic exercises, such as traditional crunches, core strengthening focuses on stability. The main variations of core strengthening include:

  • The front board
  • The side plank
  • The Hollow Hold

Each of these movements can be adapted with variations such as leg lifts or inclines, allowing different muscle groups to be targeted.

  • Starting position : Support yourself on your forearms and toes, keeping your body aligned.
  • Movement : Stay in this position by voluntarily contracting your abs and breathing deeply.

Toes to bar

This move is often practiced in the CrossFit world. Hang from a fixed bar and bring your feet up to it. This technique intensely engages the abdominals and also improves grip strength.

Abdominal vacuum

Less well-known, but very effective, the vacuum works the transverse directly.

  • Starting position : On all fours or sitting on a chair, exhale completely.
  • Movement : Pull your stomach in as far as possible, holding the contraction for a few seconds.

Combined movements for a complete workout

Sit-ups with twist

Combination of crunch and rotation to optimize the work of the entire abdominal strap.

  • Starting position : Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
  • Movement : Perform a classic sit-up, add a twist of the torso to the right. Return to the starting position and repeat by rotating to the left.

Mountain climbers

Cardio and abs engagement guaranteed with this dynamic exercise.

  • Starting position : Plank position, support on the hands.
  • Movement : Alternately bring your knees towards your chest, keeping your pelvis low and your abs contracted.

Optimize your training

Vary the exercises

Changing exercises regularly will allow you to stimulate your abdominal muscles differently, thus avoiding routine and maximizing athletic gains.

Adjust intensity

Gradually increasing the number of repetitions and the difficulty of the exercises ensures continuous improvement in performance and muscle strengthening.

The importance of rest and recovery

Any intense effort must be followed by an adequate recovery phase to allow the muscles to repair and strengthen.

Days of rest

Interspersing rest days between ab workouts allows for better muscle recovery and reduces the risk of injury.


After each session, perform gentle stretches to promote flexibility and prevent muscle soreness.

Sample Weekly Programs

Here are two examples of balanced programs to effectively integrate these exercises into daily routines.

Program for beginners

Duration: 4 weeks

  • Monday: Crunches (3×15), Russian rotations (3×20).
  • Wednesday: Plank gainage (3×30 seconds), leg lift (3×15).
  • Friday: Side plank (3×30 seconds each side), Superman (3×15).

Advanced program

Duration: 6 weeks

  • Tuesday: Dragon flag (3×10), V-ups (3×20).
  • Thursday: Toes to bar (3×15), mountain climbers (3×30 seconds).
  • Saturday: Combinations of HIIT cardio and bodyweight exercises (intervals of 45 seconds of effort/15 seconds of rest).

The importance of a balanced routine

  • Quick Tip: Beyond ab-specific workouts, incorporating a variety of total-body exercises is crucial for healthy, balanced body development.

Compound exercises

Including movements like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses in your daily routine goes a long way in strengthening your abs. These multi-joint exercises require continuous core stabilization.

Alternation and periodization

Varying your sessions and alternating between high-intensity periods and recovery phases helps prevent progression plateaus. Structures such as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) can be a good complement to more strength-focused workouts.

The importance of nutrition

A flat stomach and visible abs free of fat are not achieved only through sport; diet plays a fundamental role.

Avoid processed foods

Foods high in refined sugars and saturated fats should be minimized. Instead, opt for sources of lean protein, vegetables, and healthy fats.

Maintain a calorie deficit

To reveal your rock-hard abs, it is important to gradually reduce your calorie intake while consuming essential nutrients. Restrictive diets are not sustainable and can be harmful in the long run.


Water makes up 65% of our body. Proper hydration facilitates metabolism and helps with detoxification, thus contributing to better muscle definition. So drink enough water even outside of your workouts.

How to Get Abs: The Bottom Line

Always consult a personal trainer or sports professional when introducing new complex movements into your routine. Make sure you understand the correct technique to avoid injuries. Patience and consistency in your efforts will lead you to visible and lasting results without losing energy.

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