It can be difficult to choose the best time of day to exercise. You've probably heard about the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach. It seems to be a growing trend in the world of fitness and health. What does it mean exactly and what are the best practices to follow to do it well? We give you some tips to optimize your fasted training sessions and get the most out of this practice.
What is fasted sport?
First of all, it is important to understand exactly what it means to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning. Usually, the fasting state occurs a few hours after your last meal, when you have not eaten anything in the meantime, especially after a night's sleep. Therefore, your body has not been supplied with energy from the food you may have recently eaten.
In this state, carbohydrate reserves (the main source of immediate energy for muscles) will be lower. As a result, your body will resort more to fat reserves as an alternative source of energy to compensate for this shortage. This is the basis on which the much-coveted benefits of fasted exercise are based.
What are the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach?
Exercising when you wake up, even before having breakfast, has several beneficial effects on the body:
Optimizing fat oxidation
In the absence of food intake, the body is forced to draw on its reserves to function. By practicing a sporting activity on an empty stomach, we push the body to draw on stored fats to use them as fuel. This would notably improve the body's energy capacities and possibly lose weight, particularly fat mass.
Better insulin sensitivity
Fasting may also improve your sensitivity to insulin, which is the hormone that helps regulate the use of blood sugar. So exercising on an empty stomach may help reduce your risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Improved performance and endurance
Some fans of exercising on an empty stomach also claim that it can help improve their physical performance and endurance. However, it is important to note that a lot will depend on the adaptation period and how each individual gets used to this new routine.
Detoxifying effect
By placing greater demands on the elimination organs such as the liver and kidneys, exercising on an empty stomach helps cleanse the body of toxins and impurities.
Strengthening the digestive system
Not eating before your workout allows your body to focus on eliminating waste and digesting the previous day's food.
What type of exercises should I do on an empty stomach?
Not all sports are necessarily suitable for practicing on an empty stomach. It is therefore important to choose the one that will suit you best while respecting your body's capacities. Here are some suggestions:
- Gentle cardio: Brisk walking, cycling, or aerobics are examples of low-intensity cardio activities that can be easily done on an empty stomach. They help mobilize fat without putting too much strain on the body.
- Yoga: Ideal for gently stretching and strengthening muscles, yoga is also an excellent way to relax and refocus on yourself before starting the day.
- Stretching and mobility: Take advantage of this special time to work on the flexibility of your joints and prevent possible injuries related to your sports practice.
Precautions to take when practicing sport on an empty stomach
In order to fully benefit from the benefits of exercising on an empty stomach, here are some recommendations:
Choosing the right exercise intensity and duration
It is generally recommended to prefer moderate rather than high intensity exercises when you practice sports on an empty stomach. Indeed, if the effort becomes too intense, you risk not having enough energy available to sustain the desired intensity. In order to avoid the risks of hypoglycemia or tiring your body, it is advisable to limit the duration of your fasted workouts. Therefore, instead favor activities such as brisk walking, light jogging, cycling or swimming, and avoid unnecessarily extending the duration of your session. Favor sessions of 30 to 45 minutes.
Hydrate yourself properly
Hydration is essential during a fasted workout, as the body tends to increase its urine production when fasting. Make sure you drink enough water before starting your workout and don't hesitate to bring a bottle with you to quench your thirst regularly.
Adapt gradually
Remember that if you start exercising on an empty stomach, you will need to gradually get used to this new routine. It may be wise to start by spacing out your sessions to allow your body to better manage this new demand.
Take into account your objectives
Finally, keep in mind that exercising on an empty stomach will not necessarily suit everyone or all goals. If you are mainly looking to build muscle, this practice may not be entirely suited to your needs. In addition, people with diabetes or with certain medical contraindications should consult their doctor before embarking on this type of sports program.
Don't neglect warming up and stretching
As with any sports session, it is essential to take the time to prepare your body for the effort by carrying out a suitable warm-up and finishing with stretching to promote recovery.
Listen to your body
Pay attention to the signals your body is sending you. If you feel intense fatigue, dizziness or nausea, stop exercising immediately. It is also important to lower your fitness goals when training on an empty stomach.
How to integrate fasted exercise into your daily routine?
Exercising on an empty stomach requires a certain amount of organisation and discipline. Here are some tips to help you optimise your morning sessions:
- Plan a post-workout snack: It is essential to properly replenish your body with nutrients after physical exertion. Opt for a protein and carbohydrate snack to replenish energy reserves and promote recovery.
- Establish rest days: Any regular exercise should be followed by a day of rest, including when it comes to fasted sports. Therefore, make sure not to practice this activity for more than three consecutive days to preserve your health.
- Go gradually: If you have never exercised on an empty stomach, start with short, low-intensity sessions, then gradually increase the duration and intensity of the effort.
Some good practices to follow
- Ask a professional for details on the benefits and possible contraindications of exercising on an empty stomach, depending on your personal situation.
- Remember that post-workout nutrition is essential. Treat yourself to a healthy, balanced meal after your session to allow for better recovery and replenish your body's energy stores.
- Avoid exercising on an empty stomach if you feel any signs of weakness or discomfort. If you experience any difficulties, do not insist and consult a doctor.
Exercising on an empty stomach: In summary
In conclusion, exercising on an empty stomach can be an interesting opportunity to maximize fat oxidation, improve insulin sensitivity, and potentially boost your physical performance. However, it is important to take into account certain tips and precautions to fully enjoy these benefits while preserving your health.