
Maintaining Muscle Mass During Ramadan: Essential Strategies and Tips

Ramadan is a holy month for millions of Muslims around the world, but for those involved in weight training or other forms of fitness, it can be a real challenge.

How, in this context, can you preserve your muscles while respecting the spiritual requirements of Ramadan? In this article, we will explore the best strategies for maintaining muscle mass during Ramadan by addressing nutrition, hydration, training and recovery.

Homme sec et musclé avec un t-shirt et short noir, boule à zéro ainsi qu'une barbe mi- longue attrapant à 2 mains un kettlebell et s'exerçant avec

Why can muscle mass be affected during Ramadan?

Ramadan requires practitioners to fast from dawn ( Suhoor) until sunset ( Iftar) , which can have a significant impact on sports practice and the preservation of muscle mass. When fasting, several factors influence our physiology and can lead to muscle loss:

  • Unbalanced diet: Meals should be concentrated between the Suhoor and Iftar periods, and if not planned well, nutrition may be insufficient to preserve muscle mass.
  • Reduced Hydration: Hydration is crucial to maintain muscle function and optimize recovery. During fasting, dehydration can lead to muscle fatigue and decreased performance.
  • Training disruption: Fasting alters training schedules, which can reduce the intensity and frequency of sessions, increasing the risk of muscle loss.

However, with proper preparation, it is entirely possible to maintain, or even improve, muscle mass during Ramadan.

Optimizing diet to preserve muscle mass

The Importance of Protein During Ramadan

Protein is essential for muscle maintenance and growth. A daily intake of 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is recommended for maintaining muscle mass orgaining muscle mass , especially during periods of fasting.

Studies have shown that adequate protein intake, especially during the fasting period, is crucial to prevent muscle breakdown (1). During Ramadan, it is crucial to distribute this intake between the Suhoor and Iftar periods to maximize muscle protein synthesis.

Recommended protein sources

Here is a comparison table of the best sources of protein to include in your Ramadan meals:

Source of Protein
Amount of Protein (per 100g)
Perfect Moment
Grilled chicken
27g Iftar
Eggs 13g Suhoor
Fish (salmon, tuna) 22g Iftar
Quinoa 17g Suhoor
Tofu 8g Iftar / Suhoor
White cheese 8g Suhoor

Macronutrient balance

In addition to protein, a balanced diet of complex carbohydrates and healthy fats is essential. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for training, and healthy fats (like those in nuts, avocados, and olive oil) help maintain proper hormonal balance. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will also provide the vitamins and minerals needed for muscle performance.

Supplements: Useful but in moderation

Supplements can be a good addition to help maintain muscle mass during Ramadan, but they should not replace a balanced diet. Popular supplements include:

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Important: Always consult a healthcare professional or nutritionist before starting any supplement, especially during Ramadan.

Hydration: A key factor for performance and muscle mass

The impact of dehydration

Dehydration can reduce physical performance and increase the risk of injury. Water plays a vital role in transporting nutrients to muscle cells, regulating body temperature, and removing waste. Additionally, dehydration can lead to decreased protein synthesis, which could promote muscle loss.

How to stay hydrated during Ramadan?

Tips for optimizing hydration:

  • Drink between 2 and 4 liters of water between Iftar and Suhoor .
  • Use electrolyte drinks to replace mineral loss (e.g., coconut water).
  • Avoid sugary drinks and caffeine, which can accelerate dehydration.
  • Prioritize foods rich in water: Fruits (melon, watermelon), vegetables (cucumber, zucchini) and soups.

How to organize your training during Ramadan?

Training during Ramadan should be tailored to your fasting schedule. Here are some recommendations to maintain intensity while optimizing your results:

Training Time

It is best to train after Iftar , after being hydrated and the body has fuel. The athlete can also choose to train on an empty stomach before the Suhoor if he has enough energy.

Training intensity

High-intensity workouts during Ramadan should be avoided. Opt for moderate to low-intensity workouts, such as light weight training or low- to medium-intensity circuits. The goal is to stimulate the muscles without too much physical stress during the fast.

Example of training during Ramadan:

  • Day 1: Upper body (chests, biceps, triceps)
  • Day 2: Lower body (legs, glutes)
  • Day 3: Body weight (abs, core)
  • Day 4: Rest or light cardio

Importance of recovery and sleep

Sleep is essential for muscle recovery. During Ramadan, it is important to maximize sleep time to allow muscles to recover. Approximately 7-8 hours of quality sleep is needed to optimize muscle repair.

Mistakes to avoid during Ramadan

Even with good intentions, there are some pitfalls that are easy to fall into during Ramadan. Here is a list of the most common mistakes to avoid:

  • Too many simple carbohydrates: Foods rich in sugar (pastries, sweets) should be avoided afterwards Iftar .
  • Lack of hydration: Not drinking enough water during non-fasting hours can hinder optimal recovery.
  • Over-training: While fasting, it is important not to over-exert your body. Excessive workouts can cause injuries and strain your system.
  • Skipping meals Suhoor : This meal is essential to provide energy for the whole day.


Maintaining muscle mass during Ramadan is entirely achievable with the right nutrition, training, and recovery strategies. By paying attention to your diet, training smart, and optimizing your hydration and sleep, you can not only maintain your muscle mass but also continue to make progress during this holy month.

Source :

  • Morton RW, et al., “ A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults ”, BJSM, 2017. DOI:

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